Polenta Casserole

An oldie. Since we are in the process of moving.

Polenta Casserole

And we haven’t been cooking a lot at home. Because we don’t have: counter space, a dishwasher, a dining room table, time, sanity.

Polenta Casserole

And I don’t have much else to say. Other than “moving sucks.”

Polenta Casserole

But I’ll post about the moving, soon.

Polenta Casserole

Eddie really dug this casserole. And it was easy. I more or less followed this recipe. But added spinach, and mushrooms, and rosemary. See ya soon.

I won an award for these cupcakes!

I don’t win a lot of awards.


I made these cupcakes for a bake sale at my husband’s place of work. I won third place in the “cakes and pies” category. He won’t tell me how many other people were in the “cakes and pies” category, so it very well may have been only three. Which means I got an award for being the worst. But, whatever, man. It’s still an award.


These cupcakes contain chocolate sandwich cookies, otherwise known as “Oreos”. I feel like I read somewhere that Oreos made a list of the worst foods ever for you. The criteria for making this list are surely arbitrary. Anyway, it’s all about moderation.


Maybe I’ll start a weekly feature in this blog called “Over-Processed Tuesday” where every Tuesday I post a recipe made out of something filled with trans fats.


Just kidding, I won’t do that.

But these cupcakes ARE really good.

July 4th

Nothing we planned to do on July 4th happened. You know, we had tentative plans to go to this BBQ, or meet up with that person, and none of it worked out. It was just one of those times where all your plans fall through.

Most perfect day on a most perfect lake.

But, holy shit, it was the nicest day that Pittsburgh has ever seen. So we had to do something.

So, somewhat spontaneously, we decided to take a hike. We ended up at North Park. The weather was perfect. North Park is amazing. I had never been there before. It’s huge (like 3,000 acres huge), has great wooded hiking and biking trails, a gorgeous lake, kayaking, a huge swimming pool, zip-lining, and best of all…

A bar.

GENIUS.  I don’t know who’s idea it was to put a bar with great beer and great food right in the middle of a beautiful park, but that person needs some kind of award. Because what’s better than finishing a tough hike and having a super convenient place to have a chill dinner and some drinks. Right there on the lake. On a patio. In the sunshine. Plus, Over the Bar is a bicycle themed place. Totally appropriate.

Then, we came home, put Eddie to bed, and sat on the porch until the sun went down. Pretty good day!

Oh, and I made some shortcakes, too.