My Mid-Year Thrift Store Resolution.

After spending a few weekends packing away several large Rubbermaid totes full of clothes that no longer fit my post-pregnancy self (depressing, right?), I had this idea. I should see if I can go one whole year without purchasing any new clothing. I’ll still buy clothing. But thrifted stuff only. The thought of purchasing an entirely new wardrobe 2 sizes bigger than my existing wardrobe didn’t sound like a lot of fun to me. But I need stuff that fits me. And I feel good when I look good. (Or at least when it’s my perception that I look good.) I love the challenge of thrift store shopping. I love how it feels like treasure hunting. I love how if you find something glorious that is a little outside of the comfort zone of what you’d normally wear, it’s easier to take the plunge and purchase it, because if it doesn’t work out, you are only out a few bucks.

I decided to ease into this resolution via It’s a pretty cool online second-hand store.

It’s like Christmas!

I admit that this is a bit of a stretch of the word “thrifted” for several reasons – while still a great deal, the stuff is a little more expensive than your typical Goodwill fare. Everything on the site is in pristine condition and organized by size and style, so it’s a bit less challenging and a bit less of a treasure hunt than going to a thrift store. But I’m super small, so it’s cool to be able to filter out just the “petites”. And you can be super specific about what you are looking for. For instance, I knew I wanted to add a few fun, yet work appropriate skirts to my closet. And of course, you do have to pay for shipping. I think it’s a great option, though, if you are looking to build a professional wardrobe.

What a cute tag.

Anyway, I got these two cute Ann Taylor Loft skirts. Practically new. One was $14.49 and one was $12.99.

Lovely ladies.

Detail shots. Because, I am obsessed with pattern and texture:

Is this animal print? Not sure.
Look at all those colors! You could wear this with practically ANY color!

And these strappy sandals, for $9.49. I’ll be honest, I have no idea how to tie those straps. I guess I’ll figure it out! I’ll ask some of my more fashionable friends. I’m sure someone knows what to do. We can have a strap-tieing party… or something.

Straps for miles.

Happy Thrifting!

My Thrift Store Score.

I love thrift stores. I love finding old stuff, and weird stuff, and cool stuff. All for notthatmuch money.

Look at these cute little baby shoes I found at Goodwill. I just had to share!


And look at the cute kid I put them on.


[He kicked them both off approximately 15 seconds after I took this picture. Cute while it lasted]